Our directors and all employees, including senior management will aim to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards, informed by this Code. We are committed to ensuring a fair workplace for our employees as well as contractors with whom we do business. We have an Open-Door Policy to encourage honest and direct communication to resolve issues and concerns in an expeditious manner. We also have a Whistleblower Policy that provides an alternative and anonymous method of reporting suspected compliance violations, unlawful or unethical behavior, or fraud.
The Corporation is dedicated to the preservation of basic rights and human dignity in our workplace and beyond. We recognize that human rights are an essential component of our business. We support internationally recognized human rights principles that promote and protect human rights.
The Corporation maintains a safe workplace based on mutual respect, fairness and integrity. To achieve this:
The Corporation will work towards being “of” the Community, not just “in” the Community. We are strongly committed to building long-lasting, sustainable, respectful, trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with our host and neighboring Indigenous communities. We are also active and collaborative with our greater Alice Arm area businesses and educational institutions in an effort to assist in the building of local capacity.
with our greater Alice Arm area businesses and educational institutions in an effort to assist in the building of local capacity.
The Corporation recognizes that early stakeholder engagement represents a critical step in building long term value in its projects and programs. These initial interactions should be positive and constructive, but should also serve to manage expectations of, and clearly communicate to, local stakeholders our work plans and our commitments to the Policies. Stakeholder engagement is an ongoing process, and frequent and timely communications are maintained throughout the timelines of the Corporation’s projects. To achieve this:
The Corporation is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Employees must be aware of the safety issues and policies that affect their job, other employees and the community in general. Managers, upon learning of any circumstance affecting the health and safety of the workplace or the community, must act immediately to address the situation. Employees must immediately advise their managers of any workplace injury or any circumstance presenting a dangerous situation to them, other co-workers or the community in general, so that timely corrective action can be taken.
The Corporation aims to operate a safe workplace that is injury and fatality free, and to enhance the well-being of employees, contractors and communities. To achieve this: