

The Corporation believes that proper stewardship of environmental and stakeholder interests requires pro-active health and safety procedures, transparent interaction with local communities and implementation of prudent expenditures and business performance standards. A sound environmental policy constitutes the foundation for successful project advancement and development. The Corporation develops and implements appropriate operating procedures for all stages of project advancement. In doing so, the Corporation utilizes stage-appropriate environmental management controls with policies and procedures in place to ensure minimization of environmental impacts and that appropriate reclamation and rehabilitation guidelines are followed.

Dolly Varden’s Environmental Policy aims to minimize the environmental impacts of its work and to ensure the safety and security of all stakeholders. To achieve this:

We strive to eliminate, mitigate or remediate the environmental impacts of our activities.

We work with the appropriate authorities if archaeological artifacts and/or sites are discovered during the course of exploration activities.

We aim to improve the efficiency with which we use raw materials, energy and natural resources.

We aim to prevent and contain harmful emissions and spills to air, water and land.

We aim to avoid net losses or degradation of natural habitats, biodiversity and landscape functions.

We aim to reduce wastes and the toxicity of our wastes.

We implement procedures to ensure the safe handling, storage, and transport of any hazardous material.

We do not knowingly conduct any exploration or operations which would result in net destruction or significant degradation of a critical natural habitat.